Adrenal Fatigue James Wilson Pdf Download

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 · 1,811 ratings  · 132 reviews
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Apr 05, 2009 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Everyone
Recommended to Kathrynn by: My doctor
Very easy to read with cute cartoons to break up the topic. Adrenal Fatigue is divided into 3 parts: Part 1: Your Adrenal Glands and You; Part 2: Do I have Adrenal Fatigue?; Part 3: Helping Yourself Back to Health

There is a questionnaire in part 2, but it covered EVERYTHING and seemed to me that anyone that had a life would have results that indicated adrenal fatigue. What I found interesting was that adrenal fatigue could also be brought about by sickness (flu, cancer), trauma (car accident, di

Very easy to read with cute cartoons to break up the topic. Adrenal Fatigue is divided into 3 parts: Part 1: Your Adrenal Glands and You; Part 2: Do I have Adrenal Fatigue?; Part 3: Helping Yourself Back to Health

There is a questionnaire in part 2, but it covered EVERYTHING and seemed to me that anyone that had a life would have results that indicated adrenal fatigue. What I found interesting was that adrenal fatigue could also be brought about by sickness (flu, cancer), trauma (car accident, divorce, death of someone close), moving, retirement, having kids or not having kids, and environmental factors (pollution). Well heck! That about covers LIVING.

Professions that have the most chronic drain on the adrenal glands: doctors, police officers that alternate sleep schedules, secretaries (responsible for everything, but in charge of nothing). One of the tale-tell signs (physically) is a fat tummy. Another is craving chocolate (:-)) and salty foods. The big sign: inability to sleep through the night and tired all the time.

What I found most upsetting was that most doctors today do not diagnose or understand adrenal fatigue even though just 50 years ago--and back 2000 years--it was routinely diagnosed, treated and recognized as very important. But, this was something that drug companies couldn't patent so it was no longer taught in medical schools nor were doctors given information on it unless they did their own outsourcing for medical knowledge. The book indicates that doctors will test for "Addison's Disease" (which is not common). Addison's Disease is the severe case of adrenal fatigue. If test results come back in the "normal" range then many doctors will prescribe tranquilizers and recommend a therapist.

The inability to sleep is devastating on the mind, body and soul. From reading and studying the diagrams on the adrenals in the book I saw how important they were. The adrenals and the gonads (testes and ovaries) are the only places that make progesterone in our bodies. But, they also have a slew of other functions--sex drive, etc. The last section of the book was more physiological and detailed more specifically what the adrenals do and how they set off a chain reaction for certain events in the body. There was a section on supplements. What vitamins to take to get the adrenals happy and functioning again. The author also talked about life- style changes (avoiding people that routinely drag you down), laughing more, having "free time" in your day, doing non-competitive exercise like Yoga every day, fast walking, and diet, avoiding toxins--eating organic, drinking filtered water and avoiding other pollutants that wreak havoc on our bodies.

Avoid caffeine, all sodas, bad fats, all fried foods and processed foods, no junk food, etc. Garbage in=garbage out. The author stated that often our adrenals go out based on not feeding "them" veggies and good foods, so they can't rebuild and continue to function. Then we don't either.

Highly recommended.

P.J. Sullivan
Aug 17, 2009 rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: no one
I have some problems with this book:

1- It says repeatedly that salt is good for you and potassium is to be avoided. But salt is toxic. I know this from my own experience. Salt gives me nasty headaches. Charlotte Gerson said that salt promotes cancer. Dr. Albert Schweitzer said the same. So did Dr. Birger Jansson. Dr. Max Gerson put all his patients on salt-free diets and gave them potassium supplements; he said that on this regimen sodium deficiency was rare, and his patients did very well. He c

I have some problems with this book:

1- It says repeatedly that salt is good for you and potassium is to be avoided. But salt is toxic. I know this from my own experience. Salt gives me nasty headaches. Charlotte Gerson said that salt promotes cancer. Dr. Albert Schweitzer said the same. So did Dr. Birger Jansson. Dr. Max Gerson put all his patients on salt-free diets and gave them potassium supplements; he said that on this regimen sodium deficiency was rare, and his patients did very well. He cured many of them of chronic headaches. If sodium depletion is a problem in adrenal fatigue, how can salt be the solution? Salt is not bio-available--the human body cannot digest it or use it. Salt is foreign to the body, which needs bio-available sodium and chloride from organic plant or animal sources. Life comes from life, not from inorganic matter, not from rocks; salt crystals are nothing but rocks, no more digestible than other rocks. This book is not clear on the difference between salt and sodium; they are not the same.

2- It says to "be very careful of fruit consumption," presumably because of its sugar and potassium contents. But fresh fruits have more than acceptable glycemic indexes. Pages 325 and 328 of this book give fructose, or fruit sugar, a harmless glycemic index of 32. Fresh fruits are not problematic. Our digestive systems are designed to thrive on fruits and nuts. Our closest relatives in the animal kingdom are frugivores. There are good reasons to fear salt; there is no good reason to fear fresh fruits or bio-available potassium. Are we plant eaters or rock eaters?

If there is such a syndrome as adrenal fatigue, how can it reverse our natural dietary needs so radically? If it is caused by stress, how can a toxic irritant like salt be beneficial? How can inorganic rocks support an organic bodily function? How can something be good for the adrenals and bad for the rest of the body? Are the adrenals not part of the body? Does salt support the adrenals? Or does it provoke them, as a lash provokes an exhausted horse? The only cure for exhaustion is rest, and there is nothing restful about salt.

There is some good advice here about lifestyle changes, but nothing I haven't heard before. There is a discussion of cognitive therapies and an attempt to simplify some very complex endocrinology. But until I get some issues resolved, I will be wary of this book and this program.

Jul 24, 2008 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Anyone who has been having a tough time in life
Recommended to Chelsea by: Dr. Happy Babbish
Most important book I've read all year. It's helped me heal tremendously. Reading this along with a book about hypoglycemia (see read shelf) has helped me go from unmanageable life and illness to being normal again. Thank God for this book. Most important book I've read all year. It's helped me heal tremendously. Reading this along with a book about hypoglycemia (see read shelf) has helped me go from unmanageable life and illness to being normal again. Thank God for this book. ...more
Mar 29, 2009 rated it it was amazing
This was a book recommended to me by a Doctor. After performing some laboratory testing, I came to realize I suffered from this syndrome. It helped me understand my situation and steps I can take to improve my overall health. I really enjoyed the book.
Jun 29, 2018 rated it really liked it
Very helpful, even if you don't have adrenal fatigue. Very helpful, even if you don't have adrenal fatigue. ...more
Sep 11, 2009 rated it it was ok
Read Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled? A 3-Step Program To Beat Hormone Havoc, Restore Thyroid, Adrenal, and Reproductive Balance, and Feel Better Fast! before you read this book.

Hmmm . . . well, this book needed an editor so badly that it almost could have won an award for the extremity of that need. Too bad, too, because the author is full of enthusiasm and goodwill. There are whole paragraphs that are repeated in slightly different wording three times within a few pages; there are places that

Read Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled? A 3-Step Program To Beat Hormone Havoc, Restore Thyroid, Adrenal, and Reproductive Balance, and Feel Better Fast! before you read this book.

Hmmm . . . well, this book needed an editor so badly that it almost could have won an award for the extremity of that need. Too bad, too, because the author is full of enthusiasm and goodwill. There are whole paragraphs that are repeated in slightly different wording three times within a few pages; there are places that contradict what was just presented; there are appendices that weren't completed to give the appropriate information; there are many typographical errors, formatting errors, and sequencing problems. It really is quite astonishing.

It does have some useful information, if you want to wade through it. But watch out for the misinformation. I pulled out a glycemic index reference at one point when the author claimed that drinking milk was like eating several handfuls of candy. He said the sugars in milk are absorbed instantly into the bloodstream. Well, actually, according to the glycemic index (which he references several times in his book), milk actually has a very low GI, and furthermore, the milk sugars need to be separated before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream, and then the two sugars compete to for absorption. Which means that the time it takes for milk sugars to enter the bloodstream is slow. Combine that with the protein and fat in milk, and you have a low GI food. One that stabilizes blood sugar rather than spikes it like candy.

I wish this book had been thoroughly edited so that it could present solid, useful, succinct information for people suffering from adrenal fatigue. The questionnaire is helpful, though.

Debby Eubank
May 19, 2012 rated it it was amazing
This book was instrumental in understanding how one's life and specific stressors can indeed result in adrenal fatigue. It's practical in nature and helped to decipher how to heal from adrenal fatigue and make lifestyle changes in all areas in life. My passion is authentic living and purpose and at the core of this book it is about living one's life authentically. When we are out of congruence with our authentic self we experience stress which ultimately will manifest on a physical level. Having This book was instrumental in understanding how one's life and specific stressors can indeed result in adrenal fatigue. It's practical in nature and helped to decipher how to heal from adrenal fatigue and make lifestyle changes in all areas in life. My passion is authentic living and purpose and at the core of this book it is about living one's life authentically. When we are out of congruence with our authentic self we experience stress which ultimately will manifest on a physical level. Having experienced adrenal fatigue as I moved into alignment with my authentic Self and life, this book was truly impactful in my life. It dispels the "idea" that adrenal fatigue is not is not in your head. Mainstream medicine needs to bring forth a more holistic approach to wellness and trust each individual's instincts about their health. Gratitude to James Wilson, the author, for paving that path in this book. ...more
Aug 03, 2011 rated it it was amazing
I read about adrenal fatigue in another book and as they described the syndrome I was baffled because I thought they were describing normal every day life. The idea that it might be possible for me to have a day where I was not tired and cloudy headed definitely peaked my interest. This book was fascinating to me because it explained what causes these kinds of symptoms and what it would take to put things back in balance. The regimen of supplements suggested by this book was overwhelming and jus I read about adrenal fatigue in another book and as they described the syndrome I was baffled because I thought they were describing normal every day life. The idea that it might be possible for me to have a day where I was not tired and cloudy headed definitely peaked my interest. This book was fascinating to me because it explained what causes these kinds of symptoms and what it would take to put things back in balance. The regimen of supplements suggested by this book was overwhelming and just not doable for me, but I did learn that in order to heal from stress you've got to stop stressing the body and let it rest. ...more
Margaret Metz
Aug 21, 2012 rated it it was amazing
This is a very informative book with information on everything from symptoms to how to find relief and better health. Unlike other "health" books I've read, this one gives very complete information. An example is that many books will suggest you add or take away certain types of foods from your diet. This one gives lists of not just a category of foods - but the actual food items themselves AND tell you the best ways to prepare them.

When dealing with health books written by doctors, I often trip

This is a very informative book with information on everything from symptoms to how to find relief and better health. Unlike other "health" books I've read, this one gives very complete information. An example is that many books will suggest you add or take away certain types of foods from your diet. This one gives lists of not just a category of foods - but the actual food items themselves AND tell you the best ways to prepare them.

When dealing with health books written by doctors, I often trip over a lot of Latin phrases, complicated clinical trials, and vocabulary that would challenge a person getting a master's degree. This book is full of great info, but shares it in a very approachable manner. The drawings and charts really help with understanding and the personal testimonies help you see how this is lived out in real life.

Feb 28, 2018 rated it liked it
This books needs a good editor! I read it cover to cover, but I recommend scanning the table of contents and index and jumping around based on interest. I'm grateful to my copy's previous owner, as the best bits are already highlighted. A lot of the material is over my head and I still can't precisely describe adrenal fatigue, but I understand that we all experience adrenal fatigue at some point. What's important is how we recover from stressful situations, be it from predator attacks (ancestral This books needs a good editor! I read it cover to cover, but I recommend scanning the table of contents and index and jumping around based on interest. I'm grateful to my copy's previous owner, as the best bits are already highlighted. A lot of the material is over my head and I still can't precisely describe adrenal fatigue, but I understand that we all experience adrenal fatigue at some point. What's important is how we recover from stressful situations, be it from predator attacks (ancestral) or traffic accidents (present day). I think my biggest takeaway is that I need to find ways to de-stress. And I'm looking forward to trying out Wilson's recommendation of 400mg of magnesium a day to ease PMS and chocolate cravings. ...more
Apr 04, 2016 rated it it was amazing
This book is very informative and informational--but without being too dense. It discusses lots of real health problems that arise from Adrenal Fatigue. Unfortunately, adrenal fatigue isn't recognized by modern medicine--as it is not to the extreme of Addison's Disease (adrenals unable to produce hormones) or Cushing Syndrome (an overactive production of cortisol), even though the implications are grand.

Yes, towards the last third of the book, it is poorly edited in certain spots (as far as sen

This book is very informative and informational--but without being too dense. It discusses lots of real health problems that arise from Adrenal Fatigue. Unfortunately, adrenal fatigue isn't recognized by modern medicine--as it is not to the extreme of Addison's Disease (adrenals unable to produce hormones) or Cushing Syndrome (an overactive production of cortisol), even though the implications are grand.

Yes, towards the last third of the book, it is poorly edited in certain spots (as far as sentence construction--but not content). There is one person who left a raging, over-the-top review in regards to the fact that the author/doctor recommends salt, and cutting back on potassium. I am assuming he didn't get to the back part of the book that scientifically explains this and how it pertains to electrolyte balance as well as blood pressure (lots of people who suffer from adrenal fatigue also suffer from hypoglycemia as well as low blood sugar). Regardless, nutrition is an ever evolving field of study. You can't hold tight to notions and ideas, but must become flexible and open in regards to accepting new information.

In the words of Artistotle, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Becoming aware of the uses of salt in the body does not mean you have to become an avid salt lover. Quite the contrary. Before making any judgements, read this book.

It's very informative too in regards to testing, finding a doctor (or approaching your doctor), and how to treat adrenal fatigue naturally and successfully. I particularly loved the honest dialogue in regards to pharmaceutical medicine and how it impacts a doctor's range of care.

Dec 15, 2014 rated it really liked it
This book was written about 13 years ago so I would say it was progressive then and also sparked many articles and interest in the area of adrenal fatigue and made the term common. Those who feel that the book does not offer them more than what they can find online fail to see that the online sites owe their knowledge to this book.

I found it informative especially on how the adrenals work and the anecdotal stories of other's suffering and recovery was encouraging. I especially like the sections

This book was written about 13 years ago so I would say it was progressive then and also sparked many articles and interest in the area of adrenal fatigue and made the term common. Those who feel that the book does not offer them more than what they can find online fail to see that the online sites owe their knowledge to this book.

I found it informative especially on how the adrenals work and the anecdotal stories of other's suffering and recovery was encouraging. I especially like the sections on how to care for yourself including rest, reframing of mindset, removal of toxic people and situations (as well as real toxins) diet and supplements. Common sense for some, but we seldom listen to our inner voice of common sense when we are under stress.

I now better understand what types of vitamin C are more effective (those with bioflavonoids), that vitamin E need to come as mixed tocopherols, the different dosage within a Vitamin B complex, and how to use kelp powder and sea salt to support the adrenals. I also now understand why bananas make me feel less well (high potassium foods make low adrenals worse). I've bought new supplements and am all set to take better care of me!

*I do agree with other reviewers that the book editors did not do such a great job. In one section, it tells readers to take niacin and in another section mentioned B3 without saying that these are the same- so it's confusing. The dosages are also not so consistent. And in the first part of the book we are told not to take high potassium foods such as banana but not told why until right at the end of the book. Editing needs to improve.

Dec 31, 2016 rated it it was ok
There are some good tips in here about changing aspects of your life to reduce overall stress. I liked many of the suggestions in the chapter on mental health and stress reduction. I'm not convinced about adrenal fatigue, and I found many aspects of his "program" dubious and destressing. Such as his admonition that in order to recover from adrenal fatigue (which, if you do the questionnaire, most people would at least score mild if not moderate) you will need to change your thinking (fine), your There are some good tips in here about changing aspects of your life to reduce overall stress. I liked many of the suggestions in the chapter on mental health and stress reduction. I'm not convinced about adrenal fatigue, and I found many aspects of his "program" dubious and destressing. Such as his admonition that in order to recover from adrenal fatigue (which, if you do the questionnaire, most people would at least score mild if not moderate) you will need to change your thinking (fine), your diet (ok), find all of your hidden allergens (dubious), and swallow lots of pills and supplements (alarm bell). Oh, and look, he has formulated his own blend of adrenal supplements and pushing them at various points throughout the book! Nahhhhhhh.

I also agree with a previous review that talks about the need for a real editor in the book. So much repetition. It was needless and tiresome.

Easy for the non-scientist to understand. Lots of obvious information, like sleep more and eat better. I used this book more for the supplements chapter. I increased my bit C and B6. I stopped taking DHEA because of this book (not recommended for women) and started taking pregnelone instead. Some stuff I didn't know is that salt is good for you and bananas are bad for you if you have adrenal fatigue. Easy for the non-scientist to understand. Lots of obvious information, like sleep more and eat better. I used this book more for the supplements chapter. I increased my bit C and B6. I stopped taking DHEA because of this book (not recommended for women) and started taking pregnelone instead. Some stuff I didn't know is that salt is good for you and bananas are bad for you if you have adrenal fatigue. ...more
Mar 12, 2018 rated it really liked it
Very clear, medical explanation of adrenal fatigue and why today's doctors prefer to ignore it (no big pharma money in it). The questionnaire is thorough, and there's an extremely detailed guide to how to recover, especially using diet. I need to read this part again to absorb it properly - it's overwhelming at first. I may return and give this five stars when I'm able to absorb and maybe even implement all the details on how to recover. Very clear, medical explanation of adrenal fatigue and why today's doctors prefer to ignore it (no big pharma money in it). The questionnaire is thorough, and there's an extremely detailed guide to how to recover, especially using diet. I need to read this part again to absorb it properly - it's overwhelming at first. I may return and give this five stars when I'm able to absorb and maybe even implement all the details on how to recover. ...more
If you think you may suffer from adrenal fatigue, read this book now. I thought I might have it, and have gone though tons of tests to see what's going on. This book helped me rule adrenal fatigue out, thankfully. But it helped my friend find answers to nagging questions and issues she has faced for years with her body. This book is great and very informational.
May 26, 2018 rated it liked it
I was hoping for more usable information in this book. It might be because the information is a little old (2002), but there was really nothing new for me in this book. Perhaps the information might be good for someone totally new to information on adrenal fatigue.
Dawn Davies
Apr 30, 2013 rated it really liked it
Are you tired of being told that you need an antidepressant when you feel sick? Or of being told that your fatigue is just part of the aging process ( when you are 30!)? This book will help you to put a finger on the origin of your fatigue, and if you are a thyroid patient, could help you break away from the Stepford Endicrinologist synthetic T4 protocol that has been our only option for years.

This book, written by a N.D., D.C., Ph.D. is the kind of book you wish you endocrinologist would read

Are you tired of being told that you need an antidepressant when you feel sick? Or of being told that your fatigue is just part of the aging process ( when you are 30!)? This book will help you to put a finger on the origin of your fatigue, and if you are a thyroid patient, could help you break away from the Stepford Endicrinologist synthetic T4 protocol that has been our only option for years.

This book, written by a N.D., D.C., Ph.D. is the kind of book you wish you endocrinologist would read (before firing him because you know he never will).

I think that anyone who reads this book in the interest of self-diagnosis should be very careful to not self-treat unless you have absolutely no option for getting some sort of professional help to keep you accountable with your dosing, meds and supplements. Messing around with adrenal treatment without knowing if you actually have hypoadrenia is a dangerous thing to do, especially if you have hypothyroid or Autoimmune Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. You risk messing with your thyroid levels, which can affect anxiety, heart function, blood pressure, blood sugar, and some other significant things.

Dr. Wilson does a good job describing adrenal function and dysfunction, causes of adrenal dysfunction, signs and symptoms, progression of the condition, the type of testing you should get, and recommending a daily program for treating your adrenals. He does rely on supplements.

He also has some good, plain advice on clean eating and living, which I believe is sound and healthy and sensible.

For those people who have Hashimoto's and you are on synthetic T4(Synthroid, Levoxyl) only, please also read Stop the Thyroid Madness and see why you will not likely feel better on T4 alone, with or without adrenal support. For those of you on natural dessicated thyroid who are struggling to get an optimal dosing of your NDT but can't because your low cortisol won't let the hormones get into your cells, GET A 24 -HOUR CORTISOL SALIVA TEST before treating your adrenals. Do not treat for adrenals on your own. You may not have adrenal fatigue.

Also, some people have reported not getting better on this protocol. This is anecdotal from groups of fellow Hashi/hypo people, but it is out there. Some people are recommending circadian T3 protocol, and if you are interested in that, I would recommend "Recovering With T3: My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Good Health Using the T3 Thyroid Hormone" bu Paul Robinson.

I think this book, along with STTM, and Recovering with T3, are three essential books to read if you are interested in healing, and if you want to break the Synthroid trap and find a better way to treat your adrenals and thyroid than the weak, humiliating, close-minded synthetic protocol that your robotic endocrinologist was told to follow back in 1991.

Anne-Marie Faiola
A solid book on health and nutrition and how to live a good life. Basically, the author helps you determine what adrenal failure is. Most readers will probably find that you have some form of adrenal fatigue – which is a fancy way of saying we've been revvin' our engines without the appropriate types of fuel or maintenance. Physicians don't recognize 'adrenal fatigue' as a thing because it's a catch-all phrase that describes a whole host of symptoms from feeling tired frequently, to not being ab A solid book on health and nutrition and how to live a good life. Basically, the author helps you determine what adrenal failure is. Most readers will probably find that you have some form of adrenal fatigue – which is a fancy way of saying we've been revvin' our engines without the appropriate types of fuel or maintenance. Physicians don't recognize 'adrenal fatigue' as a thing because it's a catch-all phrase that describes a whole host of symptoms from feeling tired frequently, to not being able to lose weight, to memory lapses to feeling snappy towards loved ones. What you need to know is that it is your body's way of saying: "Hey, you're really stressing me out because you're not sleeping enough, eating the right foods, and are constantly in a low level alert mode". This most consistently presents itself as just not having the energy to get through our day OR the constant low-level feeling of frantic/panic. According to the author, there are things that we can do to help ourselves out of this state.

The "cure" for adrenal fatigue changes based on the person but, generalizing it looks like this at the zenith:

1) 6+ hours of uninterrupted sleep per night
2) Limit caffeine (bonus points for dropping it out entirely for 6 months to a year)
3) Limit gluten (bonus points for getting it out of your diet entirely; it causes very unfriendly blood sugar spikes which stress your system out)
4) No sugar (limited honey but nothing else; no coconut sugar, no molasses, no unbleached raw sugar – nada)
5) Saying 'no' to energy drainers (people or events or things – could be the dog your 13 year old convinced you to get, your mother-in-law or you hosting Easter for the entire family and then resenting having to do all the cooking, cleaning, organizing, egg dyeing etc. but it's the things and people you 'should' on yourself doing)
6) There are supplements for adrenal fatigue to support hormone regulation. If you are doing 1-5 consistently for three months and your test results don't improve, then yes, talk supplements but eat right and do the basic self-care first before adding supplements.

My criticism of the book is that the author loves selling supplements ... and happily directs you to his own website to sell the supplements. This feels not authentic. Also, the book wasn't very well written and could have been 100 pages shorter... but overall, good information on how to have more energy and live a healthier life.

Phil Syphe
Feb 26, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I'd never heard of adrenal fatigue until a friend bought me a copy of this book on the basis that she felt I may have this condition.

Having read the early chapters that determine if you may or may not have adrenal fatigue I was immediately interested. I recognised most of the symptoms, read on, and found plenty of good advice on how to recover.

In short, a build-up of anxiety from numerous sources, which grew from mid-2012 onwards, are the main cause of my adrenal fatigue, and the same or similar

I'd never heard of adrenal fatigue until a friend bought me a copy of this book on the basis that she felt I may have this condition.

Having read the early chapters that determine if you may or may not have adrenal fatigue I was immediately interested. I recognised most of the symptoms, read on, and found plenty of good advice on how to recover.

In short, a build-up of anxiety from numerous sources, which grew from mid-2012 onwards, are the main cause of my adrenal fatigue, and the same or similar scenario applies to most people.

The book features various tests/exercises, of which not all are necessary to undertake, as it depends on each individual. The important one is the questionnaire that diagnoses your level of adrenal fatigue. This ranges from slight, to mild, to moderate, to severe.

I expected mine to be mild but it actually crossed the line into moderate by a few points. This gives you something perceivable to aim for in that by following the advice you can retake this test every few months to see if the points have reduced.

I can't fault this book on its content and will continue to reference it in future. The only negative aspect that I will state about it is that the lack of good grammar makes it feel something of a rush job.

As a copy-editor & proofreader, seeing so many errors makes me cringe. At times I had to re-read a sentence, owing to the absence of a hyphen, or other lacking punctuation.

The most common grammatical offence I encounter not only when proofreading, but every time I browse the Internet, especially on Facebook, also occurs in this text, namely the insertion of an apostrophe between the "0" and "s" when referring to decades. For example, writing "1970's" when it should read "1970s".

But grammar issues aside, the book is written with enthusiasm and is a useful guide, thus I feel it deserves five stars.

Jun 28, 2015 rated it it was amazing
What an excellent book. My nutritionist suggested that I might have adrenal fatigue. What is it? It is a decrease in the ability of the adrenal glands to carry out their normal functions that occurs when stress from a source either physical, emotional, mental or environmentally exceeds the body's capacity to adjust appropriately to the demands placed upon it by stress.

There is a saliva test that can confirm a diagnosis but most Drs know nothing about it. If you don't have Addison's disease, whi

What an excellent book. My nutritionist suggested that I might have adrenal fatigue. What is it? It is a decrease in the ability of the adrenal glands to carry out their normal functions that occurs when stress from a source either physical, emotional, mental or environmentally exceeds the body's capacity to adjust appropriately to the demands placed upon it by stress.

There is a saliva test that can confirm a diagnosis but most Drs know nothing about it. If you don't have Addison's disease, which is he most extreme form, they don't know how to deal with it. But nutrition, sleep and exercise can bring a person back to normal.

There are three at home tests and I tried them. One is a pupil area reflex that you can do with a mirror and a flashlight. One is checking blood pressure in both a lying down and then immediately standing up position. If your blood pressure drops when standing that is an indicator. And the final one is drawling a line on your stomach with the dull end of a pen and seeing if your skin turns red or stays white and gets bigger.

I am going to discuss all these things with my nutritionist and see what she says.

All these years I have been collapsing with
utter and complete exhaustion having no idea that adrenal fatigue is part and parcel of FMS and CFS. In addition, I had no idea that we can now test for the infectious organism(s) and get treatment. Why I have to read this info in a book is maddening! But I'm glad at least to now know. It is interesting that drinking salt water is one of the treatments for the adrenals as it is also a treatment for POTS. In the week I have implemented the eating, resti
All these years I have been collapsing with
utter and complete exhaustion having no idea that adrenal fatigue is part and parcel of FMS and CFS. In addition, I had no idea that we can now test for the infectious organism(s) and get treatment. Why I have to read this info in a book is maddening! But I'm glad at least to now know. It is interesting that drinking salt water is one of the treatments for the adrenals as it is also a treatment for POTS. In the week I have implemented the eating, resting and exercising protocol, I am noticing small improvements in this latest crash. I will be starting the supplement protocol in July knowing that it can take 3 months to 2 years to recover. But again, the good news is that recovery is possible. This book is written to and for the patient. I highly recommend even if I had a few minor disagreements with Dr. Wilson such as his take on fruit.
Sep 19, 2014 rated it really liked it
According to this guy (Naturopathic Doctor, Chiropractor, PhD) your adrenal glands can get slap worn out. Too much bad food, too much work, too much negative thinking and your adrenals just get worn out. He says that it usually is cumulative and not just one thing that had stressed your body.

Worn out adrenals can even affect how well you react to and/or handle stress.

This book contains self tests to determine what state your adrenals are in and guidance on how to rebuild them. Of course one of h

According to this guy (Naturopathic Doctor, Chiropractor, PhD) your adrenal glands can get slap worn out. Too much bad food, too much work, too much negative thinking and your adrenals just get worn out. He says that it usually is cumulative and not just one thing that had stressed your body.

Worn out adrenals can even affect how well you react to and/or handle stress.

This book contains self tests to determine what state your adrenals are in and guidance on how to rebuild them. Of course one of his recommendations is to take the supplements he has formulated. But he only mentions it and it isn't as if the book is written to sell his products.

This book is full of good information that is in line with what I've read in many other sources and makes sense to me!


May 02, 2011 rated it really liked it
I found out I had adrenal fatigue 6 weeks ago. I was having all sorts of weird things happening withm y body. This book has been extremely helpful for recoving. There are many ways to help yourself in this book, from getting rid of the "energy drainers" in your life to breathing exercises. One thing the book is lacking is a detailed listing of symptoms. The adrenal glands regulate so many aspects of our bodies, you can't even imagine.
Most regular doctors don't know about or diagnose adrenal fat
I found out I had adrenal fatigue 6 weeks ago. I was having all sorts of weird things happening withm y body. This book has been extremely helpful for recoving. There are many ways to help yourself in this book, from getting rid of the "energy drainers" in your life to breathing exercises. One thing the book is lacking is a detailed listing of symptoms. The adrenal glands regulate so many aspects of our bodies, you can't even imagine.
Most regular doctors don't know about or diagnose adrenal fatigue, I went and saw a naturopathic doctor. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is Tired all the time and don't know why.
Marci Stone
At one point a pharmacist ran a spit test for me and discovered that I had adrenal fatigue. I didn't think much about it at the time, but over time I did. The pharmacist asked me if it took me almost all day to fully wake up. I found this question interesting because many times I feel like I'm not fully awake until 6 PM. She gave me Dr. Wilson's adrenal fatigue supplements and within a few months I was recovered and felt like I was back to normal. I think between drinking caffeine, alcohol, and At one point a pharmacist ran a spit test for me and discovered that I had adrenal fatigue. I didn't think much about it at the time, but over time I did. The pharmacist asked me if it took me almost all day to fully wake up. I found this question interesting because many times I feel like I'm not fully awake until 6 PM. She gave me Dr. Wilson's adrenal fatigue supplements and within a few months I was recovered and felt like I was back to normal. I think between drinking caffeine, alcohol, and eating a poor diet our adrenals get off kilter. And this book explains just that. By getting everything back into balance we can balance our adrenal system. ...more
Feb 15, 2016 rated it it was ok
For anyone suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, this is an important book. It well help you understand your symptoms and realise that they are not 'normal'.

Unfortunately (perhaps due to its age), this book fails to identify how gastro-intestinal issues, such as parasitic infection, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or Chrohn's disease can be the root cause of chronic fatigue in many people. Where that is the case, Wilson's suggestions for treatment

For anyone suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, this is an important book. It well help you understand your symptoms and realise that they are not 'normal'.

Unfortunately (perhaps due to its age), this book fails to identify how gastro-intestinal issues, such as parasitic infection, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or Chrohn's disease can be the root cause of chronic fatigue in many people. Where that is the case, Wilson's suggestions for treatment (diet, reducing stress, eliminating environmental factors and vitamin supplementation) will be insufficient to help the afflicted.

Elizabeth (Liz)
Very enlightening and helpful. As an individual suffering from a severe case of adrenal fatigue, this will be a reference book for me. I will add it to my bookshelf so I can consult it regularly. I am thankful that an expert MD on the subject had to foresight to put in writing such compassionate and specific direction in lay-man terms; with the understanding that given the present state of medicine and insurance, most individuals, like myself, would not have ready access to the many tests and re Very enlightening and helpful. As an individual suffering from a severe case of adrenal fatigue, this will be a reference book for me. I will add it to my bookshelf so I can consult it regularly. I am thankful that an expert MD on the subject had to foresight to put in writing such compassionate and specific direction in lay-man terms; with the understanding that given the present state of medicine and insurance, most individuals, like myself, would not have ready access to the many tests and resources needed for recovery, without forcefully demanding them. ...more
Tami Stackelhouse
Jul 31, 2010 rated it it was amazing
Recommended to Tami by: Dr. Maggie Yu
This is an excellent book. You need to lay your literary prejudices at the fro t cover and remember that this guy is a doctor, not a writer. =)

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 2007. Addressing my suffering adrenals has been a huge part of how I've gotten well. I highly recommend using this book - along with a good doctor or naturopath - if you suffer from any of the indications of adrenal fatigue.

This is an excellent book. You need to lay your literary prejudices at the fro t cover and remember that this guy is a doctor, not a writer. =)

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back in 2007. Addressing my suffering adrenals has been a huge part of how I've gotten well. I highly recommend using this book - along with a good doctor or naturopath - if you suffer from any of the indications of adrenal fatigue.

Mar 05, 2011 rated it really liked it
This book was purchased in an effort to try to figure out just what is wrong with me in addition to MS. In anticipation of an upcoming appt. with an endocrinologist, it was quite instructive. As a result of the book, I sent in a saliva test kit to an OR lab used by naturopaths,and discovered that my adrenal system is most assuredly malfunctioning.

I hope the endocrinologist can assist in rectifying this problem, as I am sick of losing hair and feeling worse than MS normally makes one feel.

May 30, 2012 rated it really liked it
A must read for all you stressed out puppies out there. Difficulty waking up, or waking up feeling unrested? Putting on weight around the abdomen even though you eat right and exercise? Feeling anxious or sad for no specific reason? It's your body doing the right thing for you. This book answers it all. This was me before I rediscovered wanderlust and started a regular yoga practice. Props to Jeannie King for helping dig me outta the hole by dragging me to yoga and showing me how to eat right. A must read for all you stressed out puppies out there. Difficulty waking up, or waking up feeling unrested? Putting on weight around the abdomen even though you eat right and exercise? Feeling anxious or sad for no specific reason? It's your body doing the right thing for you. This book answers it all. This was me before I rediscovered wanderlust and started a regular yoga practice. Props to Jeannie King for helping dig me outta the hole by dragging me to yoga and showing me how to eat right. ...more

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"You cannot live without your adrenal hormones and, as you can see from this brief overview, how well you live depends a great deal on how well your adrenal glands function." — 1 likes
"The particular kind of rest you need when you have adrenal fatigue comes not so much from lying down, but from standing up for yourself, and from removing or minimizing the harmful stresses in your life." — 1 likes
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